The Gallery.

Attitude is what makes us different. It’s helped us to redefine senior living like it was meant to be lived. But make no mistake, our environments have plenty of attitude too. Open spaces. Lots of light. Floorplans that are just right for your lifestyle. Come inside, and make yourself at home.

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var Config = { propertyUniqueId: 'ThriveGreenIsland', chatConsole: '', tenant: 'Enquire Solutions', showProfiles: false, profiles: ['Thrive at Green Island'], label: 'Thank you for visiting Thrive at Green Island. How may we help you with your loved one?' }; var propertyUniqueId = Config.propertyUniqueID; var fields = { question: { label: Config.label }, 'Omni.ELEADS_ID': { value: Config.propertyUniqueId, show: false } }; // The addWidget method displays the static Chat widget on the page Five9SocialWidget.addWidget({ type: "chat", rootUrl: "", tenant: Config.tenant, profiles: Config.profiles, showProfiles: false, theme: "default-theme.css", fields: fields }); // The options variable is used to configure the Proactive Chat var options = { customChatFields: fields, tenant: Config.tenant, restAPI: '', chatConsole: '', showProfiles: false, notificationType: 'notification' // notification, modal, callback }; // The init method initalizes the Proactive Chat Five9ProactiveChat.init(options); // The parameters variable is used to setup the Proactive Chat for this specific page var parameters = { pageId: 'home', fields: [], profiles: Config.profiles }; // The startNewPage method activates the Proactive Chat functions for this page Five9ProactiveChat.startNewPage(parameters);